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Friday, March 5, 2010

The Great Sock Debate

Maybe I'm "old school", but I like when pants come just below the knee, and socks show; a la Doug Mientkiewicz, and Juan Pierre (again with the mention of Pierre. I know he had a career season for the Dodgers last year, but he had it when they need it the most. Not only does he did play his heart out during those 50 games, but after his stint as the starting left fielder was over, he graciously took his seat on the bench and waited for his chance to pinch hit/run/or head back out into "Mannywood", and when he was called on, he usually delivered. Anyways, back to the socks. Socks seem to be a forgotten part of the overall appearance of the uniform. The different colors were a way to distinguish teams and for me, that is what a baseball uniform should look like.

Barry Bonds and Manny, have the "I'm too cool" baggy pants over the shoe look. I hate it. I remember in the '90's when I first saw Bonds with his. I grew up in Giants country so I didn't like him to begin with, and his sloppy looking uniform just added to that dislike. I think that guys who wear baggy pants have a certain attitude, like, I'm a superstar, I earned these extra 4 inches of pant.

Doesn't UNIFORM mean that they should all look the same?
From Answers.com: adj.
  1. Always the same, as in character or degree; unvarying.
  2. Conforming to one principle, standard, or rule; consistent.
  3. Being the same as or consonant with another or others.
  4. Unvaried in texture, color, or design.
Maybe I just don't like change...


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