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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Win #1 in 2010

The Dodgers got their 1st win of the season out of the way today after dropping the first 2 games to the Pirates.

Billingsley pitched well, and look a lot better than Padilla and Kershaw in games 1 and 2. He was able to pitch himself out of trouble, but his pitch count was over 100 by the 6th and was pulled after getting the first out of the inning. He ended the game with 7 strikeouts and 4 walks.

The Dodgers bench is deep. They proved themselves today: Reed Johnson in Left, Garrett Anderson in Right, Ronnie Belliard at third, Jamie Carroll at second, and Brad Ausmus catching. Combined they were 9 for 20 including a Belliard HR. They had 6 of the Dodgers 10 RBIs.

James Loney's bat got hot, going 3-5 with 2 RBIs after going 0-9 in the first 2 games.

They also did better with runners in scoring position, although they are still leaving too many on. In the first 2 games they were 4/28 with runners in scoring position. You can't win games without scoring runs.

This team looks more like the Boys in Blue I know. Not sure who showed up Monday & Wednesday, but I hope we don't see them too often this season

AND With this game, Brad Ausmus is ranked 7th all-time games caught

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